How to get to Heaven in 4 Easy Steps
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Probably one of the most well-known verses of scripture in the Bible. This verse has been called “the Bible summarized in one verse”. People have been impacted by this truth of this verse since the beginning of time. From Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to present day, modern man. God has been teaching the truth of this Scripture and illustrating it to man from the very moment that he first clothed Adam and Eve with animal skins. How did He do this? When God shed the blood of the first animal, it was so that he could use the skin for the covering of Adam and Eve’s nakedness. Their perception of their nakedness being sin and wrong before God was their first introduction to sin. Because in their disobedience to God, they sinned against God. The blood of that creature was shed so that they could be covered. Jesus’ blood was shed on the cross so that all humanity could have the opportunity to have their sins paid for and covered by the blood. Just as the blood of the lamb was applied to the door post of the Jewish homes in Egypt during the first Passover. God passes over us for eternal judgment when he sees the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, which was shed for the sins of the whole world, applied to our sinful hearts through faith in Christ.
God gave His Son so that we could believe in His work on the cross for us. When we place our faith in Christ and what He did for us, we receive eternal life. The whole story of the Bible from beginning to end is all about this truth. God loves us. He died for us. He wants us to spend eternity with him in Heaven and not get what we deserve for our sin -- to spend eternity, separated from Him in Hell or the Lake of Fire.
Have you ever asked God to save you from your sin? Have you ever acknowledged to God that you are a sinner and need Jesus’ forgiveness? Have you ever simply told God:
I am a sinner (I have done bad things.)
I deserve to pay for my sin (Perish - The eternal punishment of Hell)
I believe that Jesus died in my place (He paid for my sins)
I ask you to forgive me now and give me eternal life (The gift of forgiveness)
If you have never had that conversation with God before right now, what is stopping you from telling Him this right now and asking Him to forgive you and give you eternal life? Please do this now. The most important decision I ever made was to ask God to forgive me and believe in Jesus for eternal salvation. I made this decision when I was young and have never regretted it. Would you talk to God right now and ask Him to forgive you based on Jesus’ payment for your sins on the cross?